It's Good to Be The Fool

Ah, April 1st - April Fool's Day. A day of practical jokes and pranks. Maybe you look forward to pranking people each year, but if you are the prankee you need not worry because it's actually good to be the fool.

I recently watched an interview with Eckhart Tolle and Dr. Wayne Dwyer about "Being Extraordinary. They both talk about "being" - a state where we are universally connected with our divine Self and Universal Consciousness. In this state, they both discuss writing or lecturing without a plan - where they are a vessel that allows Spirit this Consciousness to work through them.

The difference between this Universal Consciousness and conscious thinking is being and doing - or the difference between being at oneness (connected) and doing out of ego (separated) - which is saying that you are working from a state of divine awareness vs. separate thought.

This made me think of the ancient Tarot deck with the card representing “0” is The Fool. It is commonly agreed that The Fool is not the lowest card in the Tarot Deck, as a thinking mind may define. Instead it is positioned uniquely as it could be the beginning or end of the Major Arcana. I have also heard it described as the exact middle between all positive and negative numbers, and by some also as the highest card in the deck.

When you look at the card, you see a figure with his arms held out wide, looking up toward Spirit, ready to embrace whatever is to come to him just as he appears about to step off a cliff - without a care in the world. While at first glance this may seem foolish, upon deeper reflection we realize that The Fool’s journey is one of pure, innocent Faith in Spirit and in a complete state of being.

Zen teachings say that you cannot learn anything new if you are already full. The Fool represents the ability to empty one’s mind - in order to find everything. Trust, Faith and Love are The Fool’s tools. While the thinking mind may feel that this is, well, "foolish," I believe that I'll trust our Spiritual Leaders on this one.

So, "Happy April Fool’s Day!"


  1. Thank you for your blog Tracy - lots of love to you always - Namastai /\


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