Honoring those who Have Passed On (Samhain/All Soul's Day/Day of the Dead)

Most of us have people who have left our lives and crossed over. Whether you believe they are in heaven, have reincarnated, or are in another dimension, no doubt you have thought often about them, where they may be. Often when a loved one departs this world, we are left feeling empty and sad. Sometimes this feeling moves on with relative ease, and at other times we can go through a challenging period in our life trying to reconcile the feelings, find closure, or make amends. In the end, we all just want to know that our loved ones are in a good place and have only good and loving thoughts for us.

This time of year is the perfect time to reflect on those who have passed on. All Hallow's Eve, originally called Samhain (pronounced saah-win or saa-ween) means "Summer's End," and is an ancient holiday celebrating the final harvest, winter's approach, and so is a festival of the dead. It is said that this time the veil between world's is the thinnest, and is the best time of the year to try and make contact with loved ones and those passed on.

As many of you already know, my Grandmother passed away just a few short months ago. This week I cultivated a lot of energy around communing with her and honoring her. It started with a short meditation and ritual last Sunday (10/25) and then to more meditations Monday - Wednesday. Wednesday evening, after a long meditation for my Grandmom, I walked over to a jewelry dresser that I use every day and found on top the mala bracelet that I had made using some crystals from one of her necklaces. It had been "Lost" since her services and I'd turned the house and car inside out and upside down...and alas, there it was in plain site, where it had not been before. That night I slept with that bracelet and a skeleton key under my pillow in a protected satchel and had a prophetic dream involving my Grandmother as well. Last night (10/29) I went into Philadelphia with a friend to see a well-known Medium. In a room full of probably 200 people, only 10 received messages...and my Grandmother came through as the 3rd or 4th one of them - loud and clear, concise and without a second thought that it was her.

The veil is thin, indeed.

Tomorrow night is October 31 - All Hallow's Eve (Celtic: Samhain, Mexican: Day of the Dead). Then November 2nd comes, known as the "All Soul's Day," a Christian holiday of remembrance for the souls of the dead. So whether you are Christian, Celtic, Pagan or have other beliefs, we can all agree to honor our ancestors and loved ones who have parted this time of year.

Some people have asked how to properly do this. Well, I feel that you must do what feels right to you, first of all. If you have a particular religion or spirituality, move from that energy using rituals that feel comfortable to you. If you are open, then here are a couple of simple techniques:

1. Light a candle. Get a black candle and set it up in front of a picture of your dearly departed, and if you have a small personal item of theirs it is also nice to place that on your alter with the candle. Take a moment to think of them in the best light possible. Light the candle saying their name out loud, then spend some time in quiet contemplation on your loved one. Don't blow the candle out...let it go out on its own.

2. Visit final resting place of your loved one, placing fresh flowers and cleaning off the site. Spend some time in quiet contemplation before moving on.

3. Bonfire Releasing Ceremony - if you are still holding on to the person who has passed in some painful way, maybe it is time to fully release them. Create a bonfire in a safe place, and put any personal affects of the loved on into the fire and watch them burn and turn to ash. Ask for support from the Universe in releasing your loved one from your heart, with love. If you do not have any personal items, you can write them a letter, and burn it in the fire. Quiet time as the items burn is important and also some time to reflect or cry after.

4. Dinner for the Dead. Prepare a table with black tablecloth, plates and utensils. Eat seasonal items, and save an open place at the table for the deceased. You can bring a picture of them to the table if you like. Only use candlelight, and eat in quiet with your deceased. When you are finished you can read a prayer or blessing for the departed.

How do you know if your dearly departed is communicating with you? Look for the signs. They are all around us. Synchronistic events are not coincidence. Lights may flicker, you may have a dream about them, you may think that you feel their presence, missing items may show up, magical things can happen and for some people you may even hear or see them. This is not meant to be a total list, but rather just some ideas. Use your innate intuition, which is also heightened this time of year. Like anything, if you put your energy into honoring someone who has passed on, then they will in some way let you know that they are with you.

Last but not least, do not be afraid of this energy. This is the natural cycle of life. We all are birthed into life and at some point we all die. At the end of the day we are all energy, so how could that energy cease to be when we leave our body? We just take on another form...or become formless! We return to our original state: Divine Light.

So if you want to honor some loved ones who have departed, do it now. They will be listening. And if you are too, then you will commune with them?
