November's Theme: "TRUST"

For November we have the theme of "TRUST" put upon us. Wow, another incredible synchronistic theme I pulled from my "OM Cards" as we are about to come together as a nation and put our trust in someone to govern us. Or are we? Have we, as a nation, completely lost the ability to trust? And perhaps should we be more careful of who we put our trust in than some of the chosen ones in the past? Whatever does happen on November 8th, it is sure to be an interesting theme to look at for this month.

According to yogi Sally Kempton, "one of the deepest, mind, body, heart, transforming words is the word trust. Because so many of us don't quite trust. We don't trust ourselves, in others, in the universe, or in a higher power. We of course have many good reasons for not trusting. Most of us have experienced some form of betrayal in our life that has affected our ability to trust. But in order to enter into the experience of union, of oneness, of interconnectedness, of fearlessness, one of the core recognitions that we have to open up to is our capacity to trust."

Take a look at all the facets that Sally mentions above and ask yourself, in truth, Do I trust myself - to make the best decisions for me and for the greater good? Do I trust in others to always do the same? Do I trust that the Universe has a greater plan for me that is one of love and light and ascension? Do I trust in a higher power that has my back throughout all of life's journeys?

Most likely there are some issues related to trust that affect your everyday life. And if we do not truly trust, does that mean that we are disconnected from the union (yoga) of Oneness? 

It is interesting that the first chakra (Muldahara), which is the foundation upon which all of the other energy centers are aligned to eventually bring us to Oneness and Bliss, is anchored in the concept of trust. Well known key words for the 1st chakra are: Foundation, Grounding, Nourishment and Trust. So, in reality, if we do not work on this concept, we inevitably form the rest of our world on an unstable foundation. 

As you explore the word "trust" this month, let's see if we can work to heal some old wounds and create a more solid foundation for not only ourselves, but our country and our planet.
In Love & Light.
OYC Founder, Tracey L. Ulshafer & your OYC Teaching Staff

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I have been told that I am too trusting. Truth is that I tend to see the best in people, and am sometimes let down by that - some times extremely let down. I do not see trusting as a fault or negative thing, as some people say. I do not view it as naivety either. In fact, I think of trust as a highly developed concept. It takes a lot of courage and much of being grounded to trust. 

I trust that there is a divine plan and even when things aren't seemingly going right or "good" as defined by some, I see the silver lining that there was a lesson or a reason that the event needed to occur to propel me to the next stage of my life. I also trust that I am a part of this consciousness and so the choices that I make are ultimately the right ones at that time and that place that I needed to make. 

I used to struggle a lot more with trusting others. When I was in corporate I didn't trust that anyone would get a job done as good as I would, so I burned myself out doing everything. It took a while to learn how to delegate, but also that by delegating I had to teach someone else the right way to do something and not assume that they would naturally do it as I would. This was a great lesson, and ultimately helped catapult me to a place where I could actually manage the staff that I had do the work that they should be doing - and not me doing it for them. In earlier relationships with boyfriends and even girl friends, I found myself doing all of the work too. I would be the one to initiate contact, make plans, and ensure that all parties knew what was happening where and when. Fact is that I still do a lot of that because I enjoy it. But, I have loosened up the reigns and now leave it to other people to sometimes contact me. And when they don't, I go about my day doing other things. And when we do get together, it is always magical. 

Trusting others is a highly developed thing. And I have found that one key is to surround myself with positive energy and light at all times. This way I attract more positivity. I've cleansed myself of the many people who I allowed to betray me and created a more supportive network of people so that I feel good about trusting them. I realize this does not make me impervious to potential issues, but I don't dwell on it or live in it. I simply do not have the time. I choose instead to develop a sense of trust in all things...and look at the silver linings throughout.

This past September on our trip to Peru, we found ourselves in the middle of a potential situation with a strike. We were bound to our hotel one day that we were supposed to be visiting power places and were not sure if we would be able to leave and gain access to the train to Machu Picchu the next day either. I wasn't worried about it, though. I knew that we were all in the right places, doing what we all needed to do. And, as it turned out, we had a lovely day and made it to Machu Picchu earlier than anticipated the following day, avoiding a lot of issues involved in the strike. I am a firm believer in trusting. And I have found that in more cases than not, it has brought me some very unexpected and wonderful things.  
In Love, Service & Wisdom.
Tracey L. Ulshafer,
Founder/Director, One Yoga Center
