What does the Snail say?

I just returned from a fabulous yoga retreat in Bali, Indonesia that I co-hosted with my friend and business partner, Victoria Purcell-Goodwin. We were lucky to have 7 beautiful people traveling with us through Bali on a "Bali Blessed!" mindful travel tour. Although this was a working trip, I was much looking forward to getting away. My last trip away was our yoga retreat to Peru in September - also a working trip. And although I am used to taking a personal trip in January, I had decided to not travel again since we had a few business trips coming up and I was already planning to be away from the studio for too many weeks and I had a lot of training and other obligations at work. Of course, December 1st I had a car accident that landed me with a concussion that I continued to work through up until leaving for Bali, so that would have put a damper on any travel plans that I had made anyway. I was sincerely looking forward to Bali, even though I was slightly concerned about how the traveling would affect my head. But I have to say, other than acclimating the first week to the daily schedule - of which I was NOT ready for - and thus having some minor headaches each evening, I was feeling pretty good.

But the point I want to make regarding this entire situation is that I have had continued messages to "SLOW DOWN" since the onset of my accident. And in Bali I received a few more...

About the second day, I was headed from a morning smoothie up to my room and then to the yoga room for our daily practice. Everyone else had to traversed the same steps as I through the lush landscape and multiple steps in our health resort. And although everyone proceed the same way as me - either just before or just after I did - I was the only one to see a magnificent snail right in the middle of some steps.

Here is the big guy...
Of course I knew that the snail was a messenger just for me. And I knew what the continued message was: "SLOW DOWN." However, since we were on a working yoga retreat, slowing down more than what was already scheduled was not particularly an option...

We moved through our retreat beautifully. Many days were busier than anticipated, but after the first week we anchored into our second home along the beach and the schedule changed a bit to reflect some more open time. I was happy to not have any headaches that entire second week. And then the evening before we were to return home, I was headed back to my room and guess who I found on the step going into my room? Yes, another large snail. Again, nobody else was around and I decided to move him off the step so that Victoria didn't accidentally step on him on her way back to the room later on.

So, I was the only one to see both of these big, beautiful snails on our trip. Because the messenger was only for me. And I will repeat the message: "SLOW DOWN." And I only repeat it because I need to hear it again.

I often do feel like I awake daily and am off to the races. There is always so much to do and whenever I have free time, I tend to fill it with any of the multiple activities that I could do - be it work or pleasure. I firmly believe that the Universe has been sending me messengers in all kinds of ways to remind me to slow down and to choose my activities wisely with mindfulness and purposeful intentions. And although I would love to be able to do it all, the reality is that I shouldn't be. The reality is that I should be resting more and choosing how to use my time more wisely. 

And so that is what I am choosing to now do.

I realized even before Bali that something had to give. I wrote down about 13 different things on individual pieces of paper and arranged them in a circle. They were like spokes on a wheel. As I looked at each one I asked myself which ones were non-negotiable, which ones were possibilities, which ones I really wanted to tackle, and which ones could go. But I just couldn't determine the true and right answer. So, I decided to head to Bali and hope of some answers...

...enter the snail...

Here is little more about Snail Animal Totem Medicine from the website spirit-animals.com:

"Snail is letting you know that you need to slow down! What’s the big hurry? You have been spending so much time focusing on your goals that you have been missing something that is right in front of you right now.  Let go for a moment so that you will be able to see it.
Alternatively, this mollusk is letting you know that any pace is a good pace and sometimes what seems like forever is just a small moment of time. Release your beliefs of not getting things done on time. Trust your process and simply stay present and chug along. No sense in causing yourself any more stress.
Snail is also letting you know that your time needs to be used wisely. However, you also have to realize that you have time for everything. Divide your priorities and set up block of time in each day so that there is steady progress in all of your projects.  The whole process is a simple exercise in time management. Stay in the present and all things will be accomplished."

Patience has never been my strong spot. I need learn to embrace it. I have created too much stress in my life doing what I love. That's never good. Last year I downsized the studio and moved it to create less stress, and that was a great move. But I still need to make changes in my life. This means saying "No" more than I would like to and not getting involved in all of the business opportunities that I could or want to do or reprioritize them to spread them out a little more. 
I also need to refocus on some things that I have not focused on and that are really important to me and make sure that I am giving a little time and energy to them on a regular basis instead of completely foregoing them in order to do more of my day-to-day activities. I mean, is it really important to do laundry or wash dishes? I think not! In fact, my resting more and not doing everything has empowered my husband to take on more things at home, so that's a win-win!
Life is a continued work in progress, isn't it? The journey never really ends. I am not unlike anyone else - we are all just doing our best and trying to figure it all out. Managing my time and creating more pockets of rest and rejuvenation are key to me moving forward this year. Selecting which activities are the right ones to engage in and how to spend my time is of particular importance to me because the older I get the more I realize how previous that time really is.
It never ceases to amaze me how messages come to us in our life. First the deer offered me a reminder of being gentle and now the snail comes to remind me to slow down. The message is loud and clear and in the same vein. And I am listening. 
