December's Theme: BE THE LIGHT!

Every Spiritual Tradition talks about the Light:

"I have come into the world as light" - Bible

"Allah is the Light and the heavens and the earth." - Koran

"In the effulgent lotus of the heart dwells Brahman the Light of lights." 
- Hindu Upanishads

"Following the light, the sage takes care of all." - Lao Tsu

If every tradition talks about it, then there must be something to it, right? 

Just as the moon creeps up into the night sky, what was previously unseen is now illuminated. Light is what conquers the darkness. And as many sages have reminded us, "Be the Light." 

So for the month of December, when many festivals and holidays include themes of light (Hanukkah = Festival of Lights, Solstice = rebirth of the light, Bodhi Day = Buddha reaches enlightenment, Advent = lighting candles, and let's not get started with Christmas lights!), let's consider what it means to honor the light within and BE THE LIGHT.

"Gayatri Mantra"
A Prayer to the Divine Light

Om Bhur Bhuvah Svah
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo devasya dhimahi
Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat

"The eternal, earth, air, heaven
That glory, that resplendence of the sun
May we contemplate the brilliance of that light
May the sun inspire our minds."

Chanting this sacred ancient mantra represents both the physical sun and the Divine in all things. Use this mantra to meditate on your form of illuminated consciousness - as divine being of light, having a human experience. 

And then go take a drive and look at some amazing Christmas Light displays!


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Special Message from Tracey for December...
This summer I was able to finally visit Yogaville, a yoga ashram located in Virginia. Ever since I began taking yoga I have heard of this place and wanted to visit. I held a weekend retreat and several of us headed down together to experience this spiritual haven ourselves. 

The ashram, dedicated to the teachings of Sami Satchidananda, has a mantra, "Truth is one, paths are many." And inside the famous LOTUS Shrine there are quotes from each of the major world religions or spiritual traditions - all talking about the light. To be in the shrine is not only an impressive collection of eclectic spiritual poems with the same theme, but also incredibly grounding. 

I found myself drawn to sit, quietly, for some time in this shrine. Having quite an eclectic spiritual background myself, there is a comfort in that knowing - that at the end of the day we are all the same - we are light. 

Since that trip I have found myself more rooted in my own being - body, mind and soul. And all of the disharmony happening these days, how integral to our own individual journeys in life is it to be reminded that at the end of the day we are all one light? I have stepped back into my own light and began to emerge even brighter than before. And I hope that for the month of December, that you will also step into your light, and in the process, possibly be a beacon for others to find their way.

In Love & Light,
