January 2019 Theme: I AM - 1st Chakra

This Year, I thought, maybe we should go back to some basics and review the Chakra energy system, giving you some information and the ability to work to remove any blocks in your energy system. But, we usually only teach 7 main chakras is yoga...so, I decided to do 12 Chakras - 12 Months! Yup, you will learn about 5 additional upper Chakras! OH BOY! Look out 2019 - we are removing blocks and moving forward as we all increase our vibrational frequencies!

January's Studio Theme: I AM

This Year, I thought, maybe we should go back to some basics and review the Chakra energy system, giving you some information and the ability to work to remove any blocks in your energy system. But, we usually only teach 7 main chakras is yoga...so, I decided to do 12 Chakras - 12 Months! Yup, you will learn about 5 additional upper Chakras! OH BOY! Look out 2019 - we are removing blocks and moving forward as we all increase our vibrational frequencies!But, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have some work to do! 

1st Chakra Basics:
Name: Muladhara = meaning "ROOT"
Location: Base of the Spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Issues: Foundation, Grounding, Finances, Home, Health, Work
Mantra: LAM
Physical Issues: Legs, base of spine, buttocks, knees, feet, toes, colon

Questions to Ask to see if your 1st Chakra is in balance:
  1. Do I generally have good health?
  2. Are my finances in order? Do I have proper savings?
  3. Do I enjoy or even love my job? Does it serve me well?
  4. Does my home reflect me? Do I feel safe and nurtured at home?
  5. Do I generally feel grounded?
  6. Do I have any issues with my toes, feet, ankles, knees, legs or buttocks?
  7. Do I have a sense of being/belonging in this world?

Some things to do this month to work with the 1st Chakra:
  1. Balance checkbooks, ledgers, etc.
  2. See your financial advisor
  3. Clean out any clutter at home - rooms and general flow, closets, junk drawers, garage, etc.
  4. Give away clothes to shelters, donation places, RISE in Hightstown
  5. Plan healthier meals
  6. See your doctor for regular visits and checkups
  7. See specialists for any nagging physical issues you've been avoiding - whether its lower body or anywhere else!
  8. If not happy at work, get your resume together, start putting energy out to find the job that best serves you and helps you serve the world
  9. Tend to indoor plants, repot or add new, fresh soil
  10. Nurture your body with a soothing massage, reiki energy work, or other pampering.
  11. Uh, YOGA PRACTICE!!! 

And speaking of your yoga practice, what type of things should you practice for your 1st Chakra?

Asanas - postures that are low to the ground like Cobra, Plank or Crocodile, Forward Folds, and postures that focus on the rooting sensation and what the legs are doing/how the legs are working like lunge or Warrior poses.

Sequence - should be slow and steady. Lots of long holds and breaks. Focus on BEING in the poses.

Breathing - Deep Belly Breaths

Mantra - LAM (seed sound of the chakra)

Meditation - slow walking meditation, Tai Chi, or rooting meditation where you feel roots growing from feet down into the deep, rich earth.

Any of the yoga classes at One Yoga Center will help you to connect or reconnect with your 1st Chakra. Many of our classes this month will focus on this Chakra and just being present. Dive on in!

Love & Light, Tracey & the Teachers at One Yoga & Wellness Center!

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Special Message from Tracey for January...
I love, love, love the Chakra system! When we talk about the practice of yoga being one of self-realization, we cannot get anywhere until we climb the chakras and ascend to our highest self. In the process of living life and reincarnating from past ones, we carry around energy that is often unbalanced. Sometimes we are deficient in an energy center, and sometimes we are excessive. Quite often we can fluctuate from one to another when we haven't done the work to establish a consistency.

What I love about the first chakra is that it is the foundation for all of the rest of the system. If we have a faulty foundation in a building, it will eventually collapse. It is the same here. We have to build our house on a rock, as my teacher Baron Baptiste likes to say. So the first charka and creating a feeling of balance here becomes ultra important! This is where you cannot skimp. You have to dive in and do the work. 

For those of you that want to really dig in, I recommend reading Anodea Judith's book, Eastern Body - Western Mind. We use this in the advanced teacher training. It is a tough book because of the in-depth look at yourself, but one that will really create the breakthroughs and start to create the awareness that you need to move forward in releasing blocks in your system. But it is not an easy practice. It is one that takes consistency and rigorous honesty. There are times when I am so spent on doing the work that I just need a break. Maybe you feel the same way. But, maybe you are ready to go deeper too. 

The first chakra is one that we discuss in every single yoga class - even when we do not mention it. Imagine running into class from work or a hectic day. Maybe you ran late or perhaps you are stressed about something. Usually there is something going on. We, as teachers, have to get you grounded, into your body, and anchored into the present moment. We do this by guiding you some first chakra practices. Then, once we proceed in the class, we often come back to the first chakra when discussing alignment - because every single pose has a foundation that is important in successfully sustaining the posture. So whatever is touching the floor (usually feet, but sometimes buttocks or hands), you will hear us talking about - A lot! So, technically, most yoga classes are 1st chakra classes by nature. 

Remember that the first charka is there to keep us in a good place. If our finances, work, home and health are in order then usually things are pretty good in our life. I am constantly working on my chakras, but particularly this one. And I hope that you have fun working on yours this month. 

If you have any questions about the chakra, ask your teacher. We are here to help you!

In Love & Light,
