February's Theme: I FEEL - 2nd Chakra

Diving into the waters of the 2nd Chakra sounds fun, and certainly can be, but is also sometimes quite difficult. Some people will find their energy flowing here, while others feel stuck. Because our emotional realm is connected to this chakra, we are always working on something here. And if your hips are tight, then that energy has manifested into physical form - and perhaps its time to let it go!

2nd Chakra Basics:
Name: Swadisthana = meaning "Sweetness"
Location: Sacral Area/Low Back
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Issues: Joy, Pleasure, Movement, Connection, Flow, Sensuality, Creativity
Mantra: VAM
Physical Issues: Hips, Pelvis, Reproductive Organs

Questions to Ask to see if your 2nd Chakra is in balance:
  1. Do I feel like my life is not flowing in a certain area?
  2. Are my movements graceful?
  3. Do I enjoy dancing?
  4. Do I enjoy my life? Do I have a sense of joy in it?
  5. Am I able to enjoy pleasurable things in my life without guilty feelings?
  6. Do I have any issues with my reproductive organs?
  7. Are my hips and low back continually tight?

Some things to do this month to work with the 2nd Chakra:
  1. Start Moving! Dance, Flow, Connect to your Body!
  2. Take long baths or hot soaks
  3. Swim if you have access to an indoor pool or are going on vacation to a place where the water is warm
  4. Improve your overall circulation with joint movements
  5. Drink plenty of water
  6. Attend to any medical issues in this area of the body
  7. If not happy in your life, seek ways to find more joy - what brings you joy?
  8. Birth new creative ideas
  9. Play with essential oils
  10. Uh, YOGA PRACTICE!!! 

And speaking of your yoga practice, what type of things should you practice for your 2nd Chakra?

Asanas - Lots of hip openers, of course. Also, movements that are more flowing like your cat rolls, circular body rolls, and vinyasas where you connect movement and breath.

Sequence - while still slow and steady, we want to create more flowing movements in the body with many circular movements in to the joints and the body as a whole. Play also! Explore new territories in your body and notice how it FEELS there.

Breathing - Surrender or Letting Go Breaths

Mantra - VAM (seed sound of the chakra)

Meditation - Pranic flow moving meditation where you let go and flow to your favorite music. 

Any of the yoga classes at One Yoga Center will help you to connect or reconnect with your 1st Chakra. Many of our classes this month will focus on this Chakra and just being present. Dive on in!

Love & Light, Tracey & the Teachers at One Yoga & Wellness Center!
Stone of the Month: Carnelian
Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, gives you confidence and courage and promotes positive life choices. Known as a 2nd Chakra stone, Carnelian will help you find the flow you are looking for in your life!
Purchase a chakra stone at One Yoga Center's Natural Healer Metaphysical Shop for your alter space this month or to carry with you in your mojo bag!

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Special Message from Tracey for February...
I have a love/hate relationship with my 2nd chakra, which makes sense since it is the chakra where we store our emotions. Each time I go through an emotional time in my life, I have this spot on my right hip that likes to lock up on me. I think it was locked up for most of 2018! Its my go-to spot for holding onto energy and the one area that I just keep working through my stuff - over and over. Maybe I'm getting closer to working it all out...maybe not. That's the thing with this charka - you have to let go of control and go with the flow.

Going with the flow is what the 2nd chakra teaches us. But I am a planner, so this has sometimes been quite challenging for me to work with. Many years ago when I first moved from a Hatha based practice of holding postures to a Vinyasa practice of flowing movements, it kicked my butt. The biggest transformations in my physical practice have always come through the vinyasa style for me. That works for me because of the type of person that I am. Those who have other issues may find it the other way around. Nowadays my vinyasa practice is quite different than it used to be. I no longer look to challenge myself as much as I look to flow and move into my joints. Because I have some troublesome arthritis, I also find this joint mobility quite good for me and that is also probably why I am so drawn to the Thai Yoga Bodywork too. 

This year one of my intentions is to bring more joy into my life and enjoy each day to its fullest. The 2nd chakra asks us to always enjoy ourselves, of course, with moderation. I also took a look at the few places in my life where energy is not flowing, and I've decided to drive a little more energy into those area this year as well. In fact, right now as you are probably reading this email, I am in southern Thailand in the beach area working on enjoying myself! And I look forward to sharing those experiences with you soon.

So, where in your life do you need to find more flow? More joy? More pleasure? Seek it out - there's no time like the present. And, as always, if you have any questions about this chakra, ask your teacher. We are here to help you!

In Love & Light,
