On Doreen Virtue and the Bashing of New Age Practices

Last year or a year and a half ago, I was traversing a dark period of time. I felt quite lost and found myself questioning many things. I have written all about this before. During this time, I found an angel meditation on YouTube by Doreen Virtue that helped ease my mind and my mood. Through this daily meditation I came to seek out more of Doreen's work. This led me to her YouTube channel and her daily angel card readings. I came to really look forward to them every day. I found comfort in the positive messages and those little things helped me navigate some of the challenges that I was facing.

And then, it all went dark.

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I am not sure if it was one or two weeks later, or more, but eventually Doreen came out on her channel to explain that she had found Jesus Christ, and in this personal account of hers, she could no longer continue her previous practices.

At first I was just upset that I would no longer be receiving my daily guidance. It had become quite a daily comfort to me and I was kind of pissed at her. I had been contemplating taking her online angel courses and had just been looking through the materials when her website changed and they were no longer available. I was about to go all in when she yanked the rug out from under me. I suppose I was grateful that it had happened then, before I had dumped a ton of money into taking her courses. But still...

Doreen continued to try and explain herself and her new course to her "fans." I tried to listen to her speak her truth, but I just could not listen any more and I unsubscribed from her channel. I felt her messages were going down another road - one of judgement and persecution, and I didn't want to be listening while she less than eased on down that road.

Flash forward to January 21st. Doreen Virtue publishes on her website "An A-Z List of New Age Practices to Avoid and Why." I discovered this list because of the rash of retaliations on social media that I was stumbling across while checking in on things from my retreat in Thailand. I won't list everything, but suffice it to say, she listed many items, ideas, philosophies, and activities that were all, at the base, "Satanic" - according to Doreen. This list, by the way, pretty much explains my everyday existence.

She begins with "Aliens," goes through Angels, Astrology, Chakras, Crystals, Drumming Circles, Dream Catchers, Mandalas, Peace Signs, Power Animals, Reiki, Sage, Tapping, Yoga...and more. As I listened to various different people try to deal with this list, I began to feel so many different emotions. I did not want to react right away because I wanted to sit with what she was saying and feel it out. And I did. But I keep coming back to some basic principles, like, she says, emphatically that she is not judging anyone...as she then harshly judges anyone who does any of these practices. She says that it may be too late, and some people will not realize the error of their ways until they are in hell.

Astonished. Simply astonished.

So, according to Doreen, Satan exists in pretty much anything and everything spiritual or religious or positive in nature - except Christianity. That is apparently the only thing that is safe. The rest of us are doomed.

And just as our country is torn in half by politics these days, we also have this wave of people either rushing to her side in praise or stepping up to uphold the new age intentions. And all that I can think is that this is another layer of duality being brought to the surface during our ascension times. As the energies expand and increase, we know that untruths will arise, and duality will rage, until eventually we work through this and come to a new reality of Oneness. Oh, good. I just checked and she didn't list "Oneness." Universe is on the list, but Oneness is still okay, I suppose.

I am a girl who was brought up to respect all people - irregardless of race, sexual orientation or anything else. I am the girl who wants to spread peace and love. I am not the girl who wants to fight over petty differences - or even big ones. It's simply not in me to fight. I am the girl who craves for times when we all live together in harmony, appreciating our differences and all the colors that we can now see once we are fully turned on.

Jesus Christ shared many profound lessons about how to treat each other. He cautioned against casting stones at each other. He spoke of love and even that God would make his sun rise on evil and on good alike. To taught a way that is the only way and scorn others and damn them to hell for not following that path, simply does not sound very Christ-like to me.

I wish Doreen and her many followers peace and happiness in their commitment to their faith. And I will continue to hold space for anyone else's as well...just praying that they hold space for me and mine too.

Amen. OM. Sat Nam. Aho mitakuye oyasin. Hallelujah. Namaste. Peace. Shanti. Fa-Shizzle.
