March Newsletter Theme: I DO! (3rd Chakra)

Manipura chakra is, THE YELLOW ONE! Haha, well, that's true. It is also the one that heats things up, and just like its element: fire, can be one that easily gets out of control when one is not mindful. Of course the energy and vitality that we gain from this chakra is an important catalyst for getting any energy moving. So let's learn how we can move with awareness into this lustrous gem for March!

3rd Chakra Basics:
Name: Manipura = meaning "Lustrous Gem"
Location: Solar Plexus/Abdomen
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Issues: Energy, Vitality, Strength, Will-Power, Balanced Ego, Transformation
Mantra: RAM
Physical Issues: Abdominal organs, belly, digestion and assimilation of energy

Questions to Ask to see if your 3rd Chakra is in balance:
  1. Am I a strong individual with a good sense of self?
  2. Do I have good core strength?
  3. Do I enjoy sweating and/or working out?
  4. Do people often rely on me because they know I will get things done?
  5. Is my digestion good?
  6. Do I have any issues with my digestive organs?
  7. Do I feel vital and have plenty of energy?

Some things to do this month to work with the 3rd Chakra:
  1. Vigorous Exercise
  2. Martial Arts
  3. Core exercise
  4. Belly laughs!
  5. Aerobics
  6. Running
  7. Be a child, have fun, roll down a hill, play
  8. Release anger (with friend of therapist)
  9. Set goals

And speaking of your yoga practice, what type of things should you practice for your 3rd Chakra?

Asanas - Sun Salutations, Upward Boat, Spinal Twists and back core strengtheners like Locust and Bow.

Sequence - Begin to work on repetitive movements in the body and spine. A well-designed vinyasa class works nicely for 3rd chakra energy, but even a strong Hatha class can be of great assistance in building energy for your 3rd chakra. Be careful when kicking up the energy not to go too fast!

Breathing - Breath of Fire! (ask your teacher for instructions)

Mantra - RAM (seed sound of the chakra)

Meditation - Candle gazing is a great meditation. Or, if you have a fire pit or fireplace, meditate on the flames.

Any of the yoga classes at One Yoga Center will help you to connect or reconnect with your 3rd Chakra. Many of our classes this month will focus on this Chakra and just being present. Dive on in!

Love & Light, Tracey & the Teachers at One Yoga & Wellness Center!
Stone of the Month: Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye increases confidence and strength and offers new beginnings for those working on change and transformation! Think of the eye of a Tiger and the great inner strength that this beast commands!
Purchase a chakra stone at One Yoga Center's Natural Healer Metaphysical Shop for your alter space this month or to carry with you in your mojo bag!

Special Message from Tracey for March...
I have to admit, fire is an element that I am not completely comfortable with. My husband, on the other hand, cannot make a fire go high enough. I suppose we complement each other in that way. But I do love and respect the element, I just like it to be in safe place under my watchful eye. And that's the thing about fire, it has the ability to get out of hand very quickly - even when we think that we are watching it.

Before I left for Thailand, I had gone out and left a candle burning - something that I NEVER do. I was busy, and I had not remembered to blow it out as I ran out the door. Luckily nothing came of it. But it was another reminder to be a little more careful with this energy.

Have you noticed that when you are inspired by something new that you have learned, that the desire to share it with others, often trumps any reasoning about how you go about sharing this knowledge? Sometimes it comes out forced. Often the person you are trying desperately to share it with, could care less. Fire represents our passion and excitement. It is energy and vitality. And that is all fine and dandy if we are using it for our own goals. But we have to learn that we cannot push our thoughts, ideas, wisdom, philosophies, politics, religions - whatever it is that we are passionate about - on others. There is a difference between sharing and forcing, and it is an important one.

In other words, fire (and the 3rd chakra) needs to be tempered with the energy of compassion in the heart chakra. This is what I have learned and what I try to impart upon my teacher trainees even when we discuss how to teach the practice of yoga. But I think it really applies to everyday situations very well too.

Use the fire energy of the 3rd chakra to create the change and transformation that you need for yourself. And maybe your light will inspire others to also make that change. That's our philosophy at OYC. 

And, as always, if you have any questions about this chakra, ask your teacher. We are here to help you!

In Love & Light,
