October's Theme: I EMBODY

After the energies of the 8th and 9th chakras, it may feel a little more comforting to come into the 10th chakra this month, as it is literally located below us in the earth. But remember, things are not what they used to be - and the earth of the Earth Star Chakra is quite different than the earth of the Muladhara chakra!

Sometimes the Earth Star Chakra is known as the Subpersonal chakra or Super Root, and is located about 12-18 inches below the feet in the earth. It is the grounding point for the whole entire chakra system and is said to keep us connected to both earthly energies as well as Universal energies. The Earth Star Chakra is linked to "Mother Earth," Gaia, or Pachamama. When you need to discharge negative or impure energies, asking Divine Mother to take it from you and transmute it is powerful. The Earth Star Chakra is also deeply connected to Archangel Sandolphon, who is involved with our entire existence here on Earth. 

So let's tend back to the earth energies this month, but in a deeper way.

10th Chakra Basics:
Name(s): Earth Star
Location: Below the Feet about a foot into the earth
Color: Brown to black
Issues: Legacy and Nature
Physical Connection: Feet, legs and bones

Things to Ponder about the 10th Chakra:
  1. What aspects of the natural world do you draw upon or bring into your life?
  2. How do you connect to the Divine Mother Earth, Gaia energy?
  3. How do you interact with nature and the things of nature?
  4. Do you grow herbs and plants and work with natural healing?
  5. Is there a place in nature that holds a special energy for your spirit?
  6. Do you know how to ground to the earth?
  7. You are a product of nature, the world, ancestry and divnity - how connected are you to all of those things?

Some things to do this month to work with the 10th Chakra:
  1. Walk barefoot on the earth or dig into the earth
  2. Tree Rooting Meditation to the Earth Star Chakra
  3. Clean up the planet
  4. Reduce your "footprint"
  5. Earth Healing work
  6. Plant trees, let the weeds grow, and garden as often as you can
  7. Reconnect with your crystals and crystal healing
  8. Yoga Practice

So what type of things should you practice for your 10th Chakra?

Asanas - All standing postures. Seated postures where you root down through the sitting bones, anchoring the roots of those bones into the Earth Star. 

Sequence - Mindful connecting to the earth, but more deeply than in the 1st chakra. Not necessarily slow and steady, as the vibration here is much higher than the 1st chakra, but still not flying through. Remember that the deeper we dive into the earth, we encounter water tables, so connect a little to that flowing energy as well.

Breathing - Squat Breath. Standing with feet, hip-width apart and toes pointed outward, inhale the arms above the head. On the exhale, bend the knees coming down to a birthing pose or full or half squat. Inhale pushing up through the feet and legs and repeat. As you exhale, pull down any lower or negative energies and release them into Mother Earth, asking for Divine transmutation.

Meditation - Tree of Life Meditation. Root down from the soles of your feet to the Soul Star Chakra, feeling the deep connection between all nature in the world. 

Come by this October for a more deeply rooted experience on the mat.

Love & Light, Tracey & the Teachers at One Yoga & Wellness Center!
Stone of the Month: Black Obsidian
Obsidian is a natural volcanic rock that is actually glass. It is black to brown with golden inclusions. It helps to keep energy well grounded, clears subconscious blocks and brings an experience and understanding of silence, detachment, wisdom and love. A POWERFUL healer and protector.

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Special Message from Tracey for October...
Ah, Earth Star, how lovely to see you here!

To me the Earth Star chakra feels a little like coming home. Well, coming home if someone else had come in to your house, changed everything around and removed all of your personal items and knick knacks (let's refer to this as the energy that no longer served you) so that you could focus on what was really important in the world - healing the beings in it as well as the planet itself.

Here is what I picture when I think of connecting to the Earth Star Chakra: living in a little cottage in the woods, living off the land, taking care of the animals and other people in the community and living in peace. Sounds a little like Snow White, but this is no fairy tale and there is no Prince waiting to "rescue" anyone. If it sounds strange or unattainable, trust me that it is not. There are a lot of people all over the world that are living this way now, creating new communities that live harmoniously with Mother Earth, leaving a very small footprint, and/or working to repair the Earth's crystal grids. A couple of years ago, a very good student of mine, who many of you know, took off on such a journey. Many people felt that he had "lost it," but I felt very deeply that he was embarking on this very type of voyage. He lived and worked on organic farms all around the country, taking him to Alaska and, eventually, Hawaii, where he has landed. He told me that when he got there he finally felt at home. So my question is, how many of you do not feel at home - at home?

Our quest for progress has taken us further away from the connection to our home planet. In the not too far distant future, if we do not change things, this very home may become uninhabitable. If that scares you, then maybe it should. If instead it inspires you, then Hallelujah, and let's get to work! Some may say, "Well, what can I do?" First of all, everything is energy - our thoughts, our words, and our actions. And all energy affects other energy. So, if I think that I can heal myself or the planet, and I think this enough, then I will start to talk about it to others (exhibit A - this newsletter), and if I talk to enough people and inspire them, then more people will get involved to make the connections to the planet and our collective healing. This is the ripple effect, and its happening already just by you reading this.

How can we help now? We can start with healing ourselves. If we are sick or tired or sick and tired, we have not got the prana, the life force to generate our own healing, let alone anyone else's or the planet. SO, go back over your health, home, work, and all the items of the 1st chakra, and if you STILL haven't done what you need to, uh, helllloooooo, time has come! 

Next, and I truly believe this, we all need to learn how to heal with energy. If you have not taken a Reiki Level I class, do it. If you did a while ago, but aren't using it, why not? Get to working with healing energy however you can! Do you like crystals? Take them out of the box and put them to work! Create crystal grids, place them in plants and, here's a novel idea, put them back in the earth! 

If you need to get back in tune with Gaia, Mother Earth, then time for a retreat away to immerse. A low budget camping trip will do the trick. But, if you really want to plug in, consider joining me on one of the Sacred Journeys coming up - especially Galapagos and/or Peru in September 2020. This trip promises to be life changing in plugging you into the planet's healing energies. Not sure if any of this is for you? Do me a favor, take a day and go to a park. Get up north or west to a park that you can actually get lost in. Take some water and healthy snacks like nuts or fresh fruit, and take a walk. Find a comfortable place to sit, and plant it there - for a while. Try not to DO anything. Just sit, walk, stand, lay down and BE with the place. If you've gone with another person, make a pact not to talk and to separate a short distance to give each other space to contemplate. After some time, and before it begins to get dark, start heading back, taking anything you brought with you, but leaving everything else as it was. If this does not change your connection to Mother Earth or give you insights on how to heal yourself, others, or the planet, then let me know. Heck, I want to hear the good parts too, so let me know when it goes well!

I decided to put a Nature Hike on the events in October. This is also an awesome way to connect to your 10th Chakra with me. So let's do this together, and start to inhabit a deeper sense of connection to all humanity by plugging into the Earth.
In Love & Light,
