February 2020 - Liberation during the new phase of 2020

February's Theme: Liberation

What does "Liberation" mean to you?

For some, liberation is creating room and space. For others, liberation is freeing oneself from the trappings that hold us in lower vibratory energies. Lower energies make us feel stuck, sick, or just "off." Sometimes we don't even realize that we are stuck in these lower vibrations and other times we know that we are, but we don't know what to "do" about it. We rarely consider that doing less or the act of "being" instead of "doing" is the key.

Consider all of the parts of the pie that make up the whole of who you are. 

First, on the most gross-level we have the physical body. We are a set of bones, layered with muscles and other tissues, organs and other fluids, and body systems that link they all together. Most people do not have a clue what the totality of our physical body constitutes, and yet, this is the part of us that most people understand the most!

How do you find liberation in the physical body? Are you sick or have you need through a series of medical issues? Do you just feel stuck or tight in your body, but consistently? Do you have an old injury that flares up when stressors like barometric changes and lunar actives occur? In the days where we live now, with higher light energy, we can move through the stressors of our physical body, once we are ready to take responsibility for them, and clear and release them. How do we do this? Yoga helps. Energy work can assist. Sometimes a combination of other things like meditation, prayer, counseling, and other supportive programs help move the energy out too. What about doing a cleanse or a detox? Cleaning your body from the inside or eating more whole and healthy can definitely help clear the toxicity that is probably built up just from living our lives. Start here, think of how you can liberate your physical body more.

The next piece of the pie is our energy body. How can you find more liberation for your energy body? This is subtler than the physical body. So perhaps you should figure some of that out first! Once you are making headway there, you can start to learn about the subtle body through chakra work. Last year we did a whole 12 months of chakra work at One Yoga Center. Check out the previous blogs for each month. Or, talk to me about taking a workshop on the Chakras at ONE. You can look into energy healing or Acupuncture to clear energy. You can clear energy on yourself and around you with daily meditations, smudging with white sage, and cleansing your own auras with Reiki sweeps. Don't understand what I'm talking about but interested? Ask me for more info!

The piece of the pie that comes next is the mental part of you. How can you find more liberation in your mind? Does your mind go non-stop? Do you have difficulty slowing down the mind-stuff? Do you suffer from anxiety? Yoga breathing is the key to calming the mind. Focus on the breathing lessons that you learn in classes. Your homework should be practicing those breaths every day, even just for five minutes. I'm hoping to have another breath workshop soon, so contact me if you are interested. Meditation is also a very helpful thing in slowing down the mind, creating more space, and feeling more freedom. I am offering monthly online meditations from the comfort of your own home. February's is the 5th at 7:30 pm. Register today! Or, see if we are conducting any other meditation classes or workshop at the studio. There are many types of meditation, so don't think you can't do it! Did you know that knitting, gardening and skiing are types of meditation? Try Frank's Tai Chi class on Thursday nights for a moving meditation if you think that will work better for you. Basically, try something! Liberating your mind starts with each mindful thought. You increase this with daily practice, and certainly problem-causing habits will eventually cease too. You can find liberation here just by learning to slow down, and do less.

What about your spirit? Has your spirit found liberation? Probably not if you are still working through the other pieces of the pie we talked about. But, you could consider what brings your spirit down. Are you happy and contented in your life? If not, what areas need addressing? Journaling, counseling, and meditation are all helpful tools with figuring out where you need help in liberating your spirit.

A Hindu and Buddhist concept of libration is known as Moksha - being liberated from the cycles of life and death. This requires great work and effort, however, you can get to it now by starting with what we discussed so far. The true you knows that you are a part of the vast Oneness. But the ego you makes you feel like something separate. This feeling of being separated from the whole is where our whole discontentedness in life comes from. When we get down to it, are we really discontented with our work or our relationships? Or, is there a deeper issue? Do we long to reconnect to that feeling of Oneness? And once we do, can we begin the process of liberation?

You'll know when your spirit is liberated because every day becomes effortless and blissful. This is where we want to live, so why not start to work on liberating yourself in some way now? Your entire being will thank you!

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Liberation is an interesting and important idea. As you probably know already from previous blogs of mine, I recently downsized and moved. Some of you remember the large studio I had four years ago, which I also down-sized from when moving into Hightstown. I've been on a simplification program for the past several years because my life had become too full and too stressful. Liberation was something that I had no concept of. I often felt trapped and stuck, but it was of my own doing.

Once I started to simplify and remove things from my life, I started to find space again. I am still tied down to many things, but I continue to liberate myself more and more all the time.

For example, I've thought about working for someone else again, and find the idea of clocking in quite restrictive. I would definitely not feel liberated at a 9-5 job. Am I attached to working for myself? No, I think that if I had to, that I would work for a company again. I actually find more liberation in the choice to create the work and hours I desire to work rather than being confined to someone else's terms. Does this work for you? I don't know. Maybe you feel more liberated to clock in and out of a job, let it go, and do what you want evenings and weekends. Maybe that situation liberates you in some way.

But if you are reading this and thinking that your job is restrictive and an unpleasant experience, then allow yourself to imagine a perfectly different reality in which you feel completely liberated. Daydream, visualize, and clearly see this alternate reality. And do not let it go. Maybe put it on your vision board? Maybe explore working for yourself somehow. See what you can do to liberate the feeling of being "stuck" at a mundane job that does not bring you joy and peace.

You can use this example anywhere else in your life: relationships, hobbies, etc. If liberation is what you seek, you can find it. Never give up. But, definitely start somewhere!

This month we offer two specific workshops to help move you from stuck energy to find more liberation:
Feb 8 Healing Stuck Emotions with Rosie Stars of Super7 Healers
Feb 9 High-Light Resonance Clearing and Attunement with me
*The High-Light attunement for February is SOLD OUT. March 29 is the next date, or contact me for a private clearing. 

To register for these or any other workshops or special events, you need only email us at Info@OneYogaCenter.net

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If you feel that I can help you in any way, please reach out.
Let's see if we can liberate our body, mind and spirit more in February!

* Ongoing Yoga Classes
* Private Healing Sessions
* Angel Card & 11:11 Card Readings
* One-on-One Yoga
* Yoga Teacher Training
* On-Line Meditations
Mentoring - in person and online

609-918-0963 (studio land line)

In Love and Light,
Rev. Tracey L. Ulshafer, Founder ONE Yoga and Wellness Center


  1. Great article on “Liberation”, Tracey! Thank you for another well written and on point writing!


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