"Every Now and then go away..."

Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen.  - 
Never does there ever seem to be a quote more appropriate than Leonardo's on rest and relaxation, than right now during the summer. With the kids off from school and the weather warm and sunny, we all look forward to vacations, rest and putting a little distance away from work.

I can surely relate. Since I arrived back from Thailand in January I have been on the go teaching regular yoga classes, two teacher training groups and trying to (often unsuccessfully) find time to spend with friends & family. I decided that I needed a little break too. Aside from my regular classes and a couple of workshops, I am taking about 6 weeks off from my training schedule and am looking forward to some well-needed down time. And, as Leonardo points out, this means I will be back and fresh to start a new round of teacher training in the Fall - but with some great changes! 

Teacher Training Changes & Dates for Fall:
  •  Advanced Teacher Training - this is the cumulative 500 hour training that we host for 200 hour level teachers who want to further their studies and deepen their teaching skills. I've rebooted the program to be in two separate modules rather than one 6-month course, and includes unlimited yoga classes while enrolled in the program. 
    • Module 1: Creating Balance by Embracing Eastern Methods. This module will dive into a full self-development program discovering basic energy patterns, an in depth look at the Chakra system, how to use the Chinese Meridian Systems in yoga, Understanding Indian Ayurveda and defining your life aspects of Sadhanas - all to create balance. The self-development portion of this program will be available to ALL STUDENTS (not just yoga teachers) as part of the upcoming Yoga Mentorship program! Yoga teachers will continue to learn how to help your students find balance through these same Eastern methods. 100 program hours. Start date is September 5 and will run every Wednesday evening from 5:30-9:30 pm and only 1 weekend day per month (4 days total on weekends).  
    • Module 2: Enhance Knowledge of the 5 types of Yoga: Hatha, Jnana, Raja, Karma, and Bhakti. This is the module where advanced sections of anatomy & physiology, Asanas, Yoga Philosophy, Sanskrit, the true origins of yoga with assisting, teaching and many, many more aspects will be revealed - culminating in a weekend yoga & meditation retreat. 200 hours.
  • 200 Hour Teacher Training - this is our basic nuts and bolts of learning how to instruct the postures, breathing exercises, and all the other little aspects that go into sequencing a good well-rounded yoga class. This program is either Hatha or Vinyasa sequencing based and is determined by the demand. Proposed start date: February 2013.
I look forward to a little time off and a then working with new groups of trainees in the Fall - when we are all refreshed and renewed! Now accepting applications for all programs.
