August's Theme: FREEDOM!

Welcome to the new monthly newsletter format. So many people have expressed their appreciation for our monthly themes that we decided to expand it. Doreen Virtue's angel oracle cards are beautiful messages that anyone of any faith can relate to. In her deck called "Indigo Angels," we drew the card of "Freedom" for August. Truth me told, the card chose us when it flew out of the deck just like the picture of the beautiful angel to the right!

Freedom was our community's theme a year ago for July 2016. But through the eyes of the angels, let's take a different look. Here is what Virtue says about this card: 

"FREEDOM: This card answers your question by guiding you to seek greater freedom. Perhaps this comes from releasing something that no longer serves you. This card is also a confirmation that any of your prayers for freedom have been heard and the angels are working to bring change into your life. As an intuitive and caring person, you can sense when someone is being controlled or manipulated. You have an innate ability to see unnecessary restrictions and rules. But sometimes, you may unknowingly impose your own restrictions and rules upon yourself. When this card is drawn, it signals that you should release control over your desires. Freely dream big for yourself and this planet, and allow the angels to guide you with their eternal and infinite wisdom."
For the month of August, allow yourself to consider all the ways that Freedom (or lack thereof) shows up in your life. Our Swadhisthana Immersion on August 20th allows you to dive into the waters of the 2nd Chakra, where some restrictions may be held within you. Or, drop by the Summer Mala class on the 14th to create an intention to move through some energy that no longer serves you! Totally stumped? Join Tracey on the 26th and learn how to use the Pendulum to help you find the answers that you seek!  
August at OYC is all about 
freeing up more energy 
so that you can raise your vibrations and take another step closer to becoming who you were truly meant to be!

In Love, Service & Wisdom, OYC Founder, Teachers & Staff

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Special Message from Tracey for August

The first half of 2017 has certainly been crazy for most of us. I have spoken to so many people who are struggling with issues that they have either never had before or are experiencing old issues returning with a vengeance. I have certainly also had my share of things come up, and recently I'd also been dealing with addition of incredible bouts of anxiety, the likes of which I had never experienced before. The healer in me went back through old books and class materials and enrolled in new ones too. I took on a stronger daily practice of meditating, working with angels, and digging out old energies that no longer serve me so that I can work on releasing them once and for all. The good news is, I am feeling better. The other news is, I still have work to do. In fact, we all do. 

We are collectively fully involved in the next age of our planetary evolution. We are in the "Age of Aquarius" and Ascension energies are becoming increasingly available. Some people have shared with me that the do not understand what this means. Its okay. We are all evolving and learning what it fully means. All I can share is what I have learned from my teachers and the resources that I use. I can share that this is a positive, loving and enlightening energy and nothing to fear. I can share that the more this energy comes in, the more urgent it is to clear up the "lower" vibrational energies. These are energies that keep us in duality, feeling separate and those that are based in fear. Many teachers have been talking about this work and so many people are feeling things shifting within them and around them, but not understanding what it is that they we are integrating.

This is a recent explanation I saw on line that I think sums it up very well:
"Our auric field expanding and becoming brighter as it receives higher frequencies from cosmic energies and higher dimensions, but in the process it is filtering out the lower vibrations in our body."
He went on to say that some of the physical affects of going through this shift are: 
  • emotional changes
  • feeling irritable
  • overwhelming mood swings
  • mental changes
  • feeling disoriented
  • lack of concentration
  • high pitch sounds vibrating in the ears
  • intense pressure around the head
  • fatigue
  • exhaustion
Here's why: as the old realities are disappearing, our DNA is being programmed for the new Earth. Energy is trying to re-align in our body, but we are still holding on to old patterns that do not serve this new energy or our highest self. Yoga teachers and healers have been talking this talk forever, but guess what? Its finally time to walk the walk! The time to clean house is now!

I hear you saying, "This is all great, Tracey. But what can I do to work through this process?"

Enter the beautiful theme for August of "Freedom." I asked myself how do I become truly free? That list quickly became long and overwhelming. It renewed my feelings that a daily practice is the key. We cannot be part-time creators in our life and in this shift to manifesting harmony, love and peace. It's all about the commitment. I have my own daily regimen of meditation, energy work, and other techniques that continues to evolve as energy shifts. I'm finding that things that used to work to clear my energy are no longer as effective, and I've had to find other methods. And one thing I know for sure is that I am here to help others through this process. The way I teach my classes has changed based on this need. As I work on methods myself, I am sharing them with my students. It is also why I created a new 4-week series called: "Yoga for Inner Peace." This class will meet on Tuesday nights in August (8/8-29) at 7:30 pm and I will share various yoga and mindfulness techniques in helping find harmony within. My intention is to help others create a regular practice that can be done every day to work through these energies and to ultimately find freedom. Of course all of my yoga classes have that intention, but I wanted to provide those who are really struggling in this day and this age with their own space.

For those wishing to understand on a deeper level this energy, I am available by appointment for 11:11 card readings as well as spiritual counseling and energy work. If you have been having a challenging time, remember to ask for help. Seeking help from a licensed professional is also recommended. Wishing everyone peace and well-being as we move into the next phase of the year.
In Love & Light,
Tracey L. Ulshafer, 
Founder of One Yoga Center (OYC), 
E-RYT500, RYS, CMT-Licensed in NJ, Energy Worker, Spiritual Teacher

