The Sun - Divine Masculine - TRANSFORMING in Peru

The Sun's energy is something that humans have honored since the beginning of time. Indeed when we awake and look up into the sky and see that golden disk of light, we cannot help but celebrate its light and energy. The Sun equates to the Divine Masculine energies, just as the Moon equates to the Divine Feminine. The Sun is fiery and ignites, while the moon is watery and cools. Together, they harmonize and balance.
A trip to Peru is not complete without a visit to the famous Machu Picchu. And within that, a trip to Machu Picchu is not complete without a hike to the famous Sun Gate.

The first steps just to reach the main platform to see the infamous Incan site can be challenging for some. The altitude and the climbing together ensure that you take one step at a time, and enjoy the journey. The view is, of course, worth the wait, and many stop here to enjoy with photos and smiles. But the journey up to Sun Gate contains a little more emphasis. The hiking up sometimes narrow, but often wide rocky path takes a little time. There is ability to stop as often as you like, and I do recommend this, however, the climb sometimes feels as though you are going...and going...and going. When you finally reach the famous Sun Gate, there is most certainly a feeling of elation. The "I DID IT!" moment.

The day that our recent group of nine ladies made the trip to Sun Gate was perfect. The weather was beautiful at Machu Picchu, the tourism seemed a little less mass than usual, and the view was, as usual, astonishing. There is something quite exhilarating in the culmination of this climb. This was my third time climbing to Sun Gate. The first time in 2015, expertly led by my friend Jorge Luis Delgado, provided to be a fantastic voyage. Jorge weaves the Incan and Andean spirituality effortlessly through his journeys, and I wanted our women to have the same sort of experience that I did the first time I magically encountered this place. In 2016 when we traveled there again, we were unable to perform a certain little meditation due to the Machu Picchu guards being quite strict. But alas, this time, no guards being present, I recreated the famous Condor Meditation that I had received with Jorge back in 2015.

Here at the top of Sun Gate, a massive stone juts out above the land. By carefully lying back, having your feet held in place, you allow your head to fall off the end of the stone, open your arms, and fly! The Condor is the bird who sees the bigger picture and rules the upper world. By breathing and trusting, you allow yourself to experience this disorienting moment of fear, and then open to the richer experience awaiting with love. Each woman who took a moment to experience this meditation was profoundly affected.

What is is that the energy of the Sun awakens within us? As connected to our third chakra/ solar plexus/our own inner sun, the Sun's energies magnify our inner strength and power, and allow us to soar to new heights previously unavailable to us. The affect? Transformation! For you cannot "unsee" what you were able to see once you fly like the Condor, and allow yourself to soar to new levels. It is a simple yet profound experience, indeed!

When we feel stagnated, afraid, or unsure, the solar energy of the Divine Masculine helps to provide for breakthroughs. Each time I have escorted people on this trip to Sun Gate there was a person afraid of heights. Both times, both made it to the top and felt a result of empowerment through his achievement. For me, that is the true gift of Sun Gate.

In life, there are struggles and challenges. We all have them. With those we always have choices. How will we react? How do we move through it? Or, do we either get struck in it or stuck repeating it over and over again? Personally, I would like to get the lesson and move on. But this requires great courage. That is what the energy of the Sun provides us with. Finding our inner sun can be difficult, because it often entails coming face to face with our biggest fear.

And although this magnificent energy is vitally important, I am always careful not to play with too much fire. A little empowerment goes a long way. A lot of solar energy, and we are at war again. History has proven that over and over again. Balance is the key to power and strength. The afternoon after our morning hike to Sun Gate, we traveled down to a beautiful waterfall for a sprinkling of Moon energy in which to cool off the Sun's. As we hiked down from Sun Gate, it was as if Pachamama had already known this. Fog and rain moved in, and the balance came regardless of my plans to encounter the waterfall.

What are your deepest fears? Do you suppress them? Have you worked with them? Would you like to tackle that? Do you want to move beyond fear and into love?

Come with me to Peru or another Sacred Journey and see just how transforming it can be!

(609) 918-0963
