July Newsletter 2020

Hello friends!
Father Sun has awakened his full blessings of the light and summer is here. The warmth and the healing of the energy of the sun is most welcomed after our rather unusual start to the year. The Summer Solstice now passed, rung in the second half of 2020, and I couldn't be more excited to put out positive energy for this second half of what has turned out to be a monumental year thus far.

There was a funny meme going around on social media a few months ago stating "2020: none of this was on my vision board." I kept reminding people to double check what they put on their boards because the energy for it to come to fruition is playing out in our world today. Nobody could have predicted that the force for the catalyst of our transformations would be in the form of a virus...but alas, fact is often stranger than fiction and here we are!

If you aren't looking at our current world in the vein that the truth, what yogis refer to as "satya" is indeed coming out in many ways and that a mass awakening is happening through the stirrings of the needed upheaval, than you are not seeing the clear picture yet. I am not undermining the difficulties that we have all been through. Truthfully I feel as though we are all working through some serious PTSD from the traumas of the past few months, together. And I have never had such a clear vision of my own purpose than I do now. The world needs love, mindfulness, and the complete understanding of Oneness - the core teachings of the mystical practices of yoga. And having just received my title of "Reverend Doctor" by successfully defending my dissertation on "The Modern Mystic Path to Living in Harmony" I feel that I am fully ready to step into the role of Ministry to the practice of yoga in assisting those who are still in the process of working through the traumas of the first half of 2020 - not to mention the previous part of our lives.

One Yoga Center, continues to provide the necessary tools for those in need by offering regular weekly yoga classes, virtually, in our Zoom classroom. I feel strongly that this format is here to stay. I have reconnected with various students around the country and internationally, and I look forward to this continued connectivity and growing community. We also began a "soft opening" at the studio for limited in person practices. This requires pre-registration with proper spacing and other precautions, but it has allowed for a few who just could not navigate the technology and/or need more human connection to realign to return to yoga. To say that teaching both virtually and live is a challenge, is an understatement, and I am so grateful that you all continue to support me and the studio through the continued daily changes. I am doing my best to serve you all.

The other huge change was the addition of the One Spirit Metaphysical Shoppe. Now, I have yet to post regular hours - mostly because I am a one woman show! So I will continue to offer private shopping by appointment as well as post available drop-in shopping times via the Facebook and other social media links. So if you are not already connected to me both on One Yoga Center and my personal page, please send a friend request so that you can be informed as I post daily.

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What does July hold? 

Good question! I cannot even begin to pretend to understand the constant changing energies on our planet. But, I am hopeful. Perhaps July will boast more openings and availabilities. Perhaps we will find ourselves retreating a bit. Or, maybe there is something even weirder, stranger, and more fascinating looming around the corner...
only time will tell.

The one constant is most certainly: Change.

Embrace each day with a morning prayer, meditation or reflection. Continue to express gratitude for the day and start with positive intentions. Hold space for unknown blessings to come your way. Connect with Archangels and ask them to be with you and guide you. Dive into connection to the Divine in whatever way that you can. And continue regular yoga practices to keep yourself grounded and able to navigate the daily energy shifts with grace and humility.

I offer a new program in the Fall: The Modern Mystic Path. In this monthly course I will continue to offer yoga and meditative practices as well as rituals, insights and discoveries that will help you navigate the current world and local energies. I keep changing the start date of the program. Now I am feeling September - Autumn Equinox. At this time you can join me by entering The Mana Temple. "Mana" is a sacred Polynesian word for the spiritual life-force energy that permeates the Universe - similar to our yogic "Prana." There are levels in which to join the path, all listed on the website. You can pay monthly or in one-lump sum (the later of which is offered currently in the store on the website). 

I've developed a private Facebook group for the Modern Mystic Path. Ask to join me there as I have been sharing some limited monthly practices for June. I hope to expand upon them in July and August, so following me will give you a little preview as to what the course will explore - although I can't share everything and those who know me and have practiced with me understand that I always have new content and information to share!

My life-purpose continues to be helping people understand energy and assimilate spirituality and Oneness into your life in order to find true happiness and peace. Yoga and other spiritual tools assist me and therefore are what I can share with you.

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I invite you to stay connected - to reach out - and to join me in whatever fashion you can. And if I help you in any way, than please feel free to share what I offer with your friends and family members to help me expand my offerings to others. 

Thank you for your continued support of my small businesses. In community and Oneness we will all find the harmony we seek. 

In love, service and wisdom,
Reverend Doctor Tracey L. Ulshafer

July's Asana: Camatkarasana
(Wild Thing)
Explore this fun asana for July - a twist on Downward Dog & Wheel! You can start with your favorite Dog and stay here. Try putting your weight into your right hand and rolling onto the outer edge of your right foot for side plank (Vasisthasana). Press evenly through right-arm bones and take left leg behind you to the floor, bending the knee. Inhale lifting the hips and dropping the head, gazing behind you. Extend fully through the left arm. Keep abdominals engaged to release, and flip it to the other side. Or, remain in that Dog - it's all good!
Why I chose Camatkarasana for this month's posture?
The energy on our planet continues to be in constant flux. Poles are changing, Shumann resonance is spiking (it's a thing - look it up!), several planets are in retrograde, it is eclipse season, and strange weather patterns continue to emerge. With the daily energies constantly in shift, we need to embrace change with fluidity and grace, and we also need to increase our overall stamina and vitality. For July - be the Wild Thing - and unleash your inner potential to flip around and see things from new perspectives...maybe you will uncover your True Self or your Life Purpose just by looking at life a little differently. 
Love, Tracey
