August Newsletter: Celebrate Your Harvest

August 2021

"Celebrate Your Harvest"

Dear friends of One Yoga Center,


Welcome to the 8th month of 2021. The number eight in numerology means achievement or opportunities. August was named after the Roman Emperor, Augustus Caesar who achieved many feats during his tenure leading the empire. The month begins in the astrological sign of Leo, known for its regal, charismatic energy. The first holiday on August 1st is known as Lammas, or Lughnassad, a harvest festival, where achievements in agriculture or symbolized by your personal goals achieved is celebrated. 


So what have you achieved thus far since the year began? 


This is an important question to ask. I was recently reminded that it is significant to focus on our accomplishments. When we do, we are telling the Universe that we are grateful and that we are abundant in the present moment. The Universe responds by continuing to bring in more abundance. So the question then becomes, have you been focusing on lack or what you want to come to you in the future? I have! It is challenging to note when it all began (but let's just blame covid-19), but once you hit that downward spiral, it is difficult to get off the ride to the bottom. I found myself here and have had to do some serious self-inquiry and healing work to get myself out. But then, it is always easier to tell other people what to focus on than to do it yourself.


In focusing on my harvest this year, I can gratefully boast that my business has not just survived but is thriving! New members continue to trickle into the studio, private healing sessions are building, crystal sales are doing well, and it seems that yoga teacher training is also coming back this fall. On a personal note, we made an offer on a lovely townhome in Hamilton Twp, just steps into Veteran's Park, and will be closing on that this month. My family is healthy, and I am also getting my own health back on track after a long period of neglect. In this topsy-turvy world that often feels like you are clinging to a spinning top without gravitational influences, things are happening for our Highest Good, and sometimes even in spite of our own egoic selves.


It is fun to note that the 8th chakra, located above the crown of the head is a place of understanding one's ascension and descension process. Known as the "Soul Star," 

working with this chakra can guide you in the greatest achievement of all - knowing the vaster you!


Take some downtime in August to contemplate what you have harvested for 2021 so far, and celebrate those monumental achievements in a world of the New Reality, where anything and everything can and does happen.


To schedule a private shamanic healing session or Thai Yoga Bodywork session with me, email:


 In Love, Service and Wisdom,

Dr. Tracey

Rev. Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer

~ August's Message ~

Powerful message for August. Things are starting to land for those who have done the digging and deep work to define your Heart Fire and connect with your Highest Self. For those who haven't, life may still be feeling empty or off. But there's still time to get things shifting if you act now. Something has to change & energy has to move. Do you know what it is? Let's talk!


As always, you can reach me to book private crystal shopping or energy alchemy appointments by emailing Info@OneYogaCenter.ner or calling 609-918-0963. 


In love, service and wisdom,

Dr. T
