April 2022 Newsletter: Find Your Happy Place

2022, April Newsletter

Find Your Happy Place

Dear Friends of OYC,


Where is your happy place?

If you could pick one place - anywhere and from any time - where would it be?


I've had a few happy places over the years, many across the sea in a foreign land. This past year I've found happy places closer to home that provide needed healing when I am allowed to sojourn. But what about that place within you that you can take with you wherever you may physically go? Have you found that happy place? All things happiness do come from within and not outside of you, after all. 


I am told that when you find this true happy place, that no matter what is occurring on the outside, that everything feels just fine on the inside. I am told that there is flow, not struggle. And it is my understanding that the Universe is always guiding us to this place, even when our own navigation system seems to be broken down, which can cause feelings of being lost - as if the map you have been following suddenly was written in a whole other language that you no longer understood.


I believe many of you can relate to this feeling, especially after the past couple of years. I know I have my moments. For me, there's nothing better than sitting down, being still, and breathing into my vastness to get me back on track. Whether it is a full yoga asana practice, a guided meditation or a short breathing session, the skills we have learned on the mat and in the classes at OYC will get you back to this special place inside you.


If you are struggling to find time or short on funds, consider trying The Vault, our monthly subscription channel, where you can find tons of different classes that you can take anytime - anywhere. The Vault is constantly being uploaded with new content, but the other classes are still accessible. 


Unlock The Vault and get back to your happy place today.


In Love, Service, Wisdom & Beauty,

Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer

April Message from Tracey

Dear OYC Community,


Our world continues to throw curveballs and create distractions on a daily basis. What can you do to keep yourself steady? Feeling happy and safe? For me it feels like each and every day is new terrain to navigate. Sometimes I wonder just how broken my navigation system really is! I have to keep reminding myself that the birthing process doesn't happen overnight, and certainly is not easy. We are birthing a new world and things are going to continue to be that phase or morning sickness for a bit more, I fear.


The same tips still apply:

1. Drink plenty of water

2. Get lots of rest

3. Do less - Be more

4. Get fresh air and do yoga breathing daily

5. Laugh, Hug, Cry - feel the feelings

6. Forgive and let go

7. Be kind

8. Go back through this list


One day at a time.


On another, more personal note:


The waning moon took her last breath and whispered to me, "it is time," and in the pregnant pause of the dark moon, I knew it was so.


I taught my first yoga class in 2000 and that was the humble beginnings of One Yoga and Wellness Center. In the span of our years, thousands of students graced the various halls that our sacred space occupied. Many yoga teachers found their own small beginnings in our trainings, only to go on to open their own spaces and create fabulous yoga programs, reaching thousands more. We have yoga teachers in Greece and China who's certificates say "One: Body, Mind, Spirit." From our Woman's Circles to our 3-hour yoga "Intensives," we've shared, cried, sweat and laughed in just about every kind of yoga program or spiritual gathering that you can think of. It has been the refuge for many, and the driving passion of my own professional career to help others to heal through holistic practices such as yoga.


It is not with scant emotion, nor as a frivolous side-note that I announce that the brick and mortar of what is One Yoga Center, will be closing. I have no date, other than to say it will be by the end of October. I have no plans, other than to honor the flow of where the Universe leads me.


The weight of this pending decision has been too difficult to bear alone any longer. I wish to spend the remaining days of the studio celebrating the 22 Perfectly Magickal Years that I have been teaching yoga to the greater Hightstown, East-Windsor community.

Tomorrow is uncertain. But today, I thank each and every person who I had the privilege of teaching, in whatever way that you came through my doors. For I have certainly learned just as much from you, as you have from me.


On the blessings of the New Moon rolling in, so a new chapter begins.


In love, service and wisdom,

Rev. Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer
