May Newsletter: Reconfiguring

2022, MAY



Dear Friends of OYC,


Today I received a card reading from my friend and mentor, Solara. One of the cards was an 11:11 card representing "Reconfiguring your Evolutionary Labyrinth." This process began for me a while ago, but many of us are involved in this right now. We may have woke up two years ago or last week realizing that some of the things that always felt right in our life and good, no longer were necessary in some way to where we are heading. The things that used to give us comfort, may have suddenly felt void of life. Somewhere within us we feel and know that there is something deeper, vaster and more REAL than the way we have been living. Even the nice home and perfect career - it can all seem superfluous in some way now.


Ask yourself where in your life you need to reconfigure - or, perhaps you also find yourself in the process of reconfiguring! Then yes, you are on the path to Trueness! If not, there is a little work to do.


This is the final month of the yoga center in person classes at the studio. The studio is changing too. But even thought the doors are closing, we are not done. One Yoga & Wellness is still a thriving, significant energy and will continue in a newer, bigger way. 


I will continue to teach four regular classes virtually, starting in July (more to come). I have scheduled several on-site classes at fun and different locations, that I hope you can join me in. And retreats...there will be retreats! I hope that you will be able to join me in some way or another. Last night someone stopped by to thank me and wish me well and asked if the monthly newsletters will still be coming out. YES! I will still share what I am feeling and doing with you. 


In addition, I have decided to recreate the finished basement in our townhouse to accommodate personal healings, private and small group sessions. So I am excited about that too and would love to hear from you if you are interested in that.


With the reconfiguring that is going on we can even see how things are changing in our world. How do you respond to that change? Do you welcome it? Or do you struggle with it? Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on your thoughts, we will be in this cycle, collectively, for some time. Some of us may have reconfigured, personally, but those around us may not have, and of course, we cannot control the world's constant fluxing patterns.


So embrace the change. Ride the wave. Become a Cosmic Surfer! You can do it. Just find your balance, and when a wave knocks you down, get back up on the board and find a new flow. That's life in 2022.


In Love, Service, Wisdom & Beauty,

Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer

May Message from Tracey

Dear OYC Community,


Ah, what to say? The past month has been an ocean of emotion. I have heard from so many lovely souls that I have not heard from in years. The outpouring of support has been tremendous. I am incredibly grateful for you all. As a master server by nature, I have decided to continue offering gatherings, healings and classes - virtually and pop-ups as well as retreats. For those that thought the studio closing meant I was not doing this anymore, I apologize. I will still be serving you with offerings. The place and the method is just changing to reflect the reconfigurations happening in the world and in my life. I hope to continue to find ways to support you, while honoring myself, for many more years to come.


Our final day of classes will be May 28, 10 am Hatha, so register if you want to attend our final class in person at our studio location. Immediately following class we will hold space for anyone to pop in and say hi, goodbye, share stories and give well-wishes to all. We will be there 11:30-1:30, or as long as people drop by. I look forward to seeing many of you that day.

Much LOVE,


Expanding our Services to Reach Beyond the Walls that Previously Held us. We are Much Vaster than any Room.
