August Newsletter: Golden Opportunities

August 2022


Golden Opportunities

Dear Friends of OYW,


Welcome to August and Leo season. This is the most intense energetic time of year. There is a possibility of so much positive spiritual manifestation. There are many energetic factors that bring this intensity to August. First of all, the number "8" in numerology is associated with goals and achievements, but also it can be viewed as a bridge between the spiritual and material worlds. In astrology, the 8th house is associated with the sign of Scorpio, known for energy, power and transformation. And, in the traditional tarot card deck, the 8th card is that of Strength. 


Most significantly, we have the Lion's Gate Portal, a celestial event that occurs every year towards the end of July and into August, but is said to be at its height on 8/8. During this time when our Sun is at its height in the sign of Leo, the dog star, Sirius, who is aligned with our highest spiritual aspirations, Orion's belt, and the earth are all in alignment. This event is commonly known as the "Galactic New Year," and the potential to come into alignment with your Truest and Highest Self is quite available to anyone who attunes to the energy.


I don't have to tell you that we are living in a hyper speed time. Things are happening quickly, and often suddenly. So if you have been looking for a boost into the right direction, here we are. You just have to make the time to do the work to align with it. But there are numerous Golden Opportunities that will come in when you are open and available. This is the energy pouring into our world. If you focus on being open and following your True Self's purpose, you will find these opportunities, and they will lead you to places that you have longed to go. There are two keys: one is to be open to reaching higher - higher than you even thought possible. It's like when people say, "I love you to the moon and back." It is a really beautiful sentiment, surely. But I often think, why stop at the moon? Why limit yourself and the capacity of love? The second is coming from a sincere place of compassion for others, and finding ways to work together to achieve these higher aspirations.


The time now is ripe for right action. Incorrect action will just be a bunch of busyness that will wear you down, so that is how you will know what is true. I am hosting a beautiful yoga and meditation practice on 8/8 at a friend's local farm in Robbinsville. Maybe you will join me if you feel so pulled to align more? (See Events to register).


I hope this helps you move through August with grace and love. If I can assist you in some way, please reach out. I am taking private clients in Hamilton for energy healing and clearings, yoga, interactive card readings, and spiritual guidance. 


Love & Blessings,

August Message from Tracey

Hello all. I am still energized from my trip to Glastonbury, UK - the world's Heart Chakra. The energy there was perfect, and I felt so aligned while there, able to move some deep healing into spaces of my heart that had long been damaged by grief and pain. It's true, the isle of Avalon is real, and the healing potential to move deep into the well of our own hearts can happen. It did for me. In fact, I am so moved that I immediately created a retreat: Avalon: Healing our Hearts, that I am thrilled to share with you very soon. We will begin with an informational meeting to move into Avalon through Meditation. And, if you are called to; then maybe you will go there with me in May 2023. 


In the meantime, we are here riding the energy waves of Leo season and with the coming Lion's Gate on 8/8, I am sure that you are feeling pumped. There are always cautions with energy, though. It's important to be working the right way, in the right places, and at the right times. Otherwise, we get depleted fast. 


So, take a listen to this month's energy chat. I made it short and sweet, but there are lots of ways to connect with me this month to learn more.


Much LOVE,


PS If you haven't subscribed yet to my YouTube channel, you can do so when you click on the picture above and it takes you to the channel. Thank you!

