August 2018 Theme: DIVINE TIMING

August's 2018's Theme: DIVINE TIMING

Divine Timing refers to the notion that everything happens when it is supposed to, as opposed to when we want it to. Yikes! This poses a few problems for those of us who have been manifesting the heck out of ourselves, yet still awaiting this to show up, doesn't it?

Yes, you can be on the right track, living a good life and plugging away and still be waiting for the tide to turn. Because ultimately, everything happens in its own timing. Roses open when they are ready to - you cannot force them open. You cannot force the river to flow, as Prana Yoga teacher Shiva Rea says, you have to learn to ride the wave. But what if you are struggling? What if you really need things to change? What if you don't know how much more you can take? The Universe asks you to have faith. Keep working and keep putting your best foot forward because when the energy does shift, you will be more than ready...perhaps even a little more humble and appreciative too.

August is usually a dry, hot month for us. In the northeast we are being asked to slow down, relax our pushing, and just be. Unfortunately for us, we also have about 5 planets in retrograde motion now...meaning that they appear to be moving in the opposite direction in the night sky. When this phenomena happens, the energy that a particular planet in retrograde motion represents, is unavailable to us. Currently Marsis in retrograde motion until August 27th when it goes direct. Saturn goes direct September 6Neptune goes direct 25 of NovemberPluto October 1, and our good old friend Mercury, well, she's currently retrograde until August 19th. And then we will have our sixth planet retrograde soon as Uranus transits retrograde August 7 an doesn't go direct until January 7th. Maybe this doesn't mean much to you. But like it or not: AS ABOVE - SO BELOW. 

So what energies are not present for us at this time? Well we know that Mercury represents all communications. So computers, phones, travel, electronics, documents, etc...guess what? Don't sign any important papers! Don't send that knee-jerk response text either. Mars rules energy, passion, action and initiation. Feeling depleted and unable to launch new projects? Jupiter rules freedom, wisdom, travel, abundance and good luck. Dear lord! Saturn is the planet of karma and dispenser of justice. This guy is asking us to not take any short-cuts right now, but to go slowly and do things right the first time. Neptune values higher states of insight and Uranus is about out of the box thinking. And good old Pluto brings transformation. 

OK, that's a lot of information. So what can we do right now? Do some deep soul searching during this time and assess what you need to do to prepare for when these planets go direct. Because when they do, things are going to accelerate quite fast and we need to be ready for everything we have been working on to come to fruition - in its own Divine Timing.

This month, we invite you to incorporate these methods into your life:
ChantSo Ham Translation: "I AM THAT."

Postures: Restorative Yoga postures where props such as bolsters, blankets and blocks support you into the poses, promoting deep relaxation (Join Tracey for two Restorative with Reiki classes on our regular schedule: Tuesdays at 6pm and Thursdays at 4:30 pm).

Meditation/Breathing: Stillness with relaxed, effortless breathing or natural breath. Simply sit, lay down or stand in a quiet space (phones turned off) and watch your breath. You can also do a guided scan of the body, naming each part and then relaxing that place.

Altar: Find a yellow cloth for your alter. Place a wheat inspired floral arrangement on the alter with a white candle. Quartz crystals that represent Universal Life Energy should be present. If you own any special type of Quartz or Citrine, those are good too. Something to represent the circle of life, such as a spiral, Tree of Life, or another symbol or deity can also be present as you worship this inward period and the constant energetic changes around us. 

In Love, Service & Wisdom, Tracey and the One Yoga Center Teachers.

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Special Message from Tracey for August

OK, you guys know me pretty good by now. I come from a good stock of hard workers and business owners. I wake up being guided to what I need to work on, and I plug away at it all day long. I feel like I am running three businesses right now: One Yoga Center and all that comes with that, The Accidental Yogini and promoting the book, and Sacred Journeys, the retreats I am running. And things are moving, but slowly. I am averaging 1.5 people per book signing event. The fall yoga teacher trainings feel a little stalled at the moment and I am waiting for people to sign on so that I know they will happen. And the yoga retreats? Well, I have lots of things spinning with those and interest is surely coming in, but I still have so much work to do to get it really off the ground.

When you work so hard for things and they trickle in, it can be a little nerve wracking. I've had to really focus on my intentions and allow myself to go with the flow of energy sometimes. Instead of focusing on what is not working out, I focus on what is and what I need to do to work with it. Some days this is effortless, while other days I have a little breakdown. 

Divine Timing is an important concept to grasp because all of our longing and "grasping" only creates suffering. We know this from our spiritual teachers. Trust, let go, have faith, just be, breathe - these are all great powerful and useful tools that we need to understand and accept. It does not mean that I stop working. It doesn't not mean that I give up. It does not mean that I don't wake up every day guided by what I need to do - regardless if I accomplish it or not. I do it. And along the way, I stop and breathe and I let go and I trust that if my energy is in the right light and for the greater good, then I will be supported. 

So make those vision boards and "to do" lists and do the work. But respect that the Universe has its own plan for us...and that God does have a sense of humor.

The other day I received a text from a student and friend of mine who is having a challenging time. She asked me what she could do. I told her to dance. Dance it off. Dance in all that energy and release the stuff you are holding on to. Shakti is the energy of creation and she is all around you. Keep on Keepin' On and eventually you all will be well.

Tracey L. Ulshafer, Founder, One Yoga & Wellness Center LLC, Experienced-Registered Yoga Teacher 500 hours (E-RYT500), RYS, CMT, Energy Worker, 11:11True One.

If you would like to meet for private yoga, spiritual counseling or mentoring, contact Tracey at (609) 918-0963 or
