July's Newsletter: I UNDERSTAND - 7th Chakra

Understanding is an interesting concept. How do we know what we know? Do we blindly follow what we have been told by our teachers, our parents, the government? Or, do we seek to understand things by seeing the world and having our own experiences.

The 7th Chakra is also an opportunity to look into your spiritual tradition. Do you follow a faith that you grew up in or have you found your own? Have your thoughts on God, the Universe, and Higher Power changed over the years as a result of what you have been through? Or, regardless of whatever happens do you hold firm to your faith?

Faith is a very personal thing to each one of us. No-one else has the right to tell you what to believe in. But, do you have belief? And are you practicing what you believe? Join us this month as we dive into these questions and more!

7th Chakra Basics:
Name: Sarasrara = Thousand-Fold
Location: Crown of the Head
Color: Violet
Element: Thought
Issues: Belief Systems, Higher Power, Union, Transcendence, Immanence
Mantra: Silent or NG NG NG
Physical Issues: Migraines, Amnesia, brain tumors, coma, cognitive delusions

Questions to Ask to see if this Chakra is in balance:
  1. Do I have a deep spiritual belief?
  2. Am I able to analyze information?
  3. Am I open-minded?
  4. Do I question?
  5. Do I have a deep mastery and world-view?
  6. Can I assimilate knowledge?
  7. Do I have any learning disabilities?
  8. Are my beliefs rigid?
  9. Am I cynical or apathetic?
  10. Do I tend to over-intellectualize?

Some things to do this month to work with this Chakra:
  1. Enter a program of study and learning
  2. Learn about other spiritual disciplines
  3. Fast for the day
  4. Go on spiritual retreat
  5. Study or learn about metaphysics
  6. Write a prayer or invocation
  7. Meditate and remove self from material world for the day
  8. Spend the day in silence
  9. Re-establish spiritual connection

So what type of things should you practice for this Chakra?

Asanas - Headstand, Standing-Straddle Bend of "A" Pose, Moon Salutations, Hare or Rabbit pose, Savasana/Corpse pose.

Sequence - Go back to basic postures with a deeper understanding of them, having practiced some time. Try new things in the poses to uncover deeper levels of awareness. Maybe work on one pose this month - one that scares you or that you find baffling.

Breathing - Central Channel Breath. Visualize a line through center of body (Central Channel). Inhale up from the bottom to the top, and exhale down from the top to the bottom. Some people like to visualize breathing up and down the spine itself.

Mantra - Silent or Ng Ng Ng

Meditation - Silence

Any of the yoga classes at One Yoga Center will help you to connect or reconnect with your Chakras. Many of our classes this month will focus on this Chakra and just being present. Dive on in!

Love & Light, Tracey & the Teachers at One Yoga & Wellness Center!

Special Message from Tracey for July...

How do you know what you know?

Personally, I am always questioning what I know and trying to learn and understand more. In school I was never considered a "smart" kid, but rather more "average." When I was older I came across what is still one of my most favorite quotes by Socrates, "The only true wisdom is in knowing that you know nothing." I found that quite liberating and completely welcomed it. It made me feel smarter!

Each time that I have felt too strongly or firmly about something - an idea, a person, whatever - I was dealt a hand of life that made me realize how wrong I really was. I have learned to never stand too firm in any belief or idea because of this, well, other than trying to be the best person that I can be, that is.

Science is constantly discovering new realms. It will probably not be long before many of the things that we were told were untrue are found to be true in the end. I welcome this day too.

If you believe, as I do, that we are in an ascension time, when energy is expanding vastly and constantly, then you understand that there is no space for thinking small or containing ourselves. That may have worked in the past, but it no longer serves us. I am open to being proven wrong by this theory, but so far, nobody can show me an evidence to the contrary. I feel and see and know what I feel and see and know. Energy is shifting. PS Science confirms that too.

I have not told many people this, but I decided to go back to school. I am currently enrolled in a Master of Theology and Divinity program at an Interfaith Seminary. I feel called to expand myself and have alway been drawn to the vast world religions. I am trusting that the Universe, in its intelligence, is guiding me somewhere and to something. I cannot see the endgame or goal, but I am on the road and enjoying the ride.

When was the last time that you threw down your own thoughts and opened up to something bigger or unknown? Perhaps this is a good time to start your own program of study or dive into a deeper spiritual understanding. Why not?

As Socrates also said, "True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life ourselves, and the world around us." Let's get out in the world this month and expand our awareness more! I'll go with you...where would you like to start?
In Love & Light,
