Let the Sun Shine! Summer Solstice Energies

Happy Summer Solstice!

This is the longest day of the year, when we have the glorious opportunity to enjoy the sun for the longest period of time in a 24 hour period for those of us living north of the equator. This occurs every year around June 21st. In our area the sun will be present for over 16 hours on this day, which lends to a lot of solar energy out there!

Sun energies are aligned to:
     * Fire
     * Heat
     * Expansion
     * Transformation
     * Purification
     * Fertility
     * Abundance

So during this time of year usually folks experience more energy - be it physical or mental. Add in the moon phase (time of the full moon especially when the moon is the most "solar" that it can be) and we can really be feeling it.

So there are two theories with this time of year:
1. Use the added solar energy as an impetus to finish up or start goals.
2. Cultivate more lunar energy to balance out the overwhelming amount of solar.

The key to knowing which one of these energies to work with is to be truthful and listen to your body. Some folks need more cooling, nurturing lunar energy, while others can fire it up. And then there is the idea of cultivating balance by working with both. In the end, use it however you must.

I've started a new tradition at the yoga studio for the Solstices (there are two: Summer & Winter) called "108 Sun Salutations." This is not a new event that I created. Many yoga studios around the world perform this on the Solstices. Solstice literally means "stopping or standing still of the sun." In Hatha Yoga, or the physical practices of postures and breathing, is a cultivating of or balancing of opposites - "Ha" meaning Sun and "tha" meaning Moon. So Hatha Yoga teachers work with these energies to help students create balance in their practice and their lives all the time.

Winter Solstice 2014 108 Sun Salutation Class
This year's Winter Solstice 108's was the first time that I officially taught this class. I had done it one other time at a retreat at my house with 4 students, but this was the first time at these studio open to anyone. There are many variations to do so that any level student can do the salutations, however, you are kicking up a lot of energy and it is a hot, sweaty, fiery, and fierce practice no matter how you look at it. So, I tell everyone to bring a towel!

Lots of people ask why 108. We can start by simply saying that 108 is known as the "auspicious number." You can google it, there are so many interesting insights about the number 108 including the fact that there are exactly 108 beads on a mala meditation necklace and that the distance between the Earth and Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun...it goes on and on. It will really blow your mind. Here is a quick link to some of the more important facts:
                                                                Mystic Meaning of 108

For this year's Summer Solstice Celebration class I hooked up a camera and recorded the class. It took us just over an hour to do the entire class, stopping at each group of 12 salutations to turn over a card revealing the next number (12, 24, 26, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108) and discuss the numerological meaning of each number and what energy to hold as your intention for the next round of 12. When I got home I condensed the film into a 5 minute video and posted it on Youtube. The results are fabulous! If you haven't seen it, please check it out:
                                         OYC 108 Sun Salutation Class - Summer Solstice 2014

I hope to make this an annual tradition for both the Winter & Summer Solstices and hope that more folks will join us each time. I know it sounds a little intimidating, but the energy that we create together is tremendous and you can use it to establish new or reconnect with intentions that you set in the earlier part of the year to move you forward.

If you cannot attend our Solstice Celebrations, maybe you can have your own. Light a fire pit, throw in any items from the first half of the year that you need to release (this can be something you write down or actual objects). Dance, sing & celebrate the sun. I've also included a Youtube video that I made last year of a Summer Solstice meditation. You can listen to it first, then do it, or try to follow along. Either way, here it is for you:
                                                             Summer Solstice Meditation

So Happy Summer Solstice everyone! May you enjoy the summer, repeat the rewards of abundance from all of the energy that you have been putting out this first half of the year!
