September Newsletter: Understanding Soul Programs

September 2021

"Understanding Soul Programs"

Photo from my recent trip to Glacier National Park, Montana

Dear friends of One Yoga Center,


September brings waves of change. With the Vernal Equinox upon us, the school year beginning, and weather patterns shifting, this can be a really chaotic but also fantastic month. Who doesn't remember being a kid and going back to school to see your friend again and discover more interesting things? As children we welcomed this time of year with wonderment and openness. And so I suggest we look at the worlds through the eyes of our younger selves as we march into our 9th month of 2021, for there is much wisdom to be gained there. 


The 9th Chakra aligns to this month, and is called the "Stellar Gateway" or "Seat of the Soul." Here is the location where our soul dropped down into our human body. We came in with soul programs, ideas of what we wanted to learn in this lifetime and just how we would go about it through the experiences we will have. In numerology the number "9" represents contemplation, and then release. So we can spend a lot of time with this energy, but ultimately we need to let it go and live out our lives according to the bigger plan. Sometimes this is difficult to understand when you are dealing with challenges, as we all are today. But I think it is important to remember that we all chose this lifetime and these circumstances so that we could grow and expand our beings in ways that we never knew possible before. So worrying when things will get back to "normal," actually goes against what we are here to do, which is birth a new reality, a new normal, and one that is even more fabulous than anything we could have even imagined before - yet perhaps one that our younger self may have imagined! The 9th chakra energy is one that requires us to really expand our beings and challenge everything that we have ever thought before. And doesn't that sum up why we are all in the midst of such enormous change and chaos?


You may have realized that things that you used to enjoy no longer interest you.

You may have noticed that people - friends/family/acquaintances - that once were in the spotlight of your life, have drifted away.

And you may now know that the places that you used to live or work no longer feel appropriate to you.

These (and more) are all the things that we are living and working through, and perhaps this month is the time to finally let go of whatever you are still holding on to that needs to go...because your Highest Self is ready to reclaim your vastness and align in Oneness. And that is the truth. 


I say the time is now to do the stuff of your true heart's knowingness and to be the person you were always meant to be. Now is the time to stop hiding behind the old paradigms, belief systems and hierarchies that we have been force-fed, yet feel at the very core of our beings are so completely wrong, and step into our sovereignty. All this...and so much more. Yoga and meditation are wonderous vehicles in which to explore your Highest Self and realign to these soul programs. Whether you join us at the studio in class, virtually online, or through our pre-recorded classroom "The Vault," One Yoga & Wellness Center is your safe home to continue your soul's journey to completeness.


Other vehicles include various healing work. To schedule a private shamanic healing session or Thai Yoga Bodywork session with me, email:


You can also email me to schedule private crystal shopping and consultations, using the beauty of Mother Earth to support you.


 In Love, Service and Wisdom,

Dr. Tracey

Yoga Teacher Training Beginning

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training OPEN ENROLLMENT

Tracey's final 200 hour yoga teacher training course is coming this Fall. There is no time like the present to be join! We meet Thursday evenings until end of March and one Saturday each month - its a great schedule! It all begins Sept. 11.


Apply Today by clicking the button below!

Click Here & Apply

Rev. Dr. Tracey L. Ulshafer

~ September's Message ~

So much going on, my friends! I am in the throws of awaiting a "clear-to-close" (which could come in any second as I am writing this) to move into a lovely townhome in Hamilton and then move all of my possessions there and recreate a home. Things are crazy! I don't have all the time to dive into a full video message for September because amidst all of that I decided to plunge into creating a documentary series titled, "The Earth Chakras!" (only me).


I am so passionate about this project for many reasons. It embodies everything that I love: traveling, energy, ancient civilizations, understanding and healing. The videos will be dropping to my YouTube channel over many, many months (year - years), but I created this intro video to describe what I am working on just a little bit more. Please take a moment to listen and to post a lovely comment on the channel (subscribing would also be nice as I need to rack up many more to unlock various YouTube tools). There is also a Facebook group called "The Earth Chakras" with continued interactive media for those who want to join and keep up. 


I asked my guides for one card from the beautiful Ethereal Visions tarot deck for the month of September for all of us, and of course two cards spilled out together:



Ten of Cups is the ultimate card of abundance, happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction, especially in relationships, while the High Priestess represents wisdom and enlightenment. She reminds us that we can move in between worlds, embodying the eternal divine feminine, and always to listen to our inner heartbeat to honor our feelings and emotions. 


So if you go back to my "Understanding Soul Program" title of the month, we can be assured that we will be completely happy and contented when we honor and listen to the inner voice that defines our truth for this life. Yes! 


As always, you can reach me to book private crystal shopping or energy alchemy appointments by emailing Info@OneYogaCenter.ner or calling 609-918-0963, but know that I am not booking anything until the middle of September, at the earliest. 


In love, service and wisdom,

Dr. T

Subscribe to Tracey's YouTube Channel
